Friday, December 12, 2014

Special time of year!

As I always say so I'm a winter person, in addition I love this time of year so much since my childhood.
Who doesn't like Christmas carols when a quiet and snowy night?
Who doesn't like specially decorated cozy homes' special atmosphere?
I do hope that everyone's plans turn out just as expected and you all get to be with loved ones. My love to all my followers at this special time.


MarneyMay said...

I agree. No cold winter here In Aus but I do love the carols and the atmosphere.

Merry Christmas

Rengin Yazitas said...

We totally different seasons, isn't it amazing?
May the Joy of Christmas overflow you!

cantonlace said...

Nice colors.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Great pictures
You also have a great Christmas