Saturday, April 18, 2015

My treasure gift by Vickie Brown

My dear friend Vickie Brown created a wonderful thing for me, when I saw a photo of this project I fall in love. I impatiently waited its arrival...By the way, our customs did a special application as they do always!!!!...I had to wait one week its custom clearance even though the carrier was UPS.  
She knows my denim jacket love. This denim jacket's new style  with a wonderful Victorian image and vintage laces&beads is an extraordinary work. I must admit that I haven't received a big handmade item  like this up to know.
This close-up photo shows more details

More important point is this label at the inside, this is Vic's elegance and delicacy to prepare very special thing for this special gift. It makes it totally personal, exclusive!

I wanted to thank Vickie once again for taking time to prepare a special gift for me. As I always say so, I met with amazing people in the CQ world, our passionate interest created amazing friendships...


Kathy Raker said...

Rengin, the jacket Vickie made for your is just gorgeous. I'm glad it made it through customs without any problems.

Unknown said...

Your jacket is gorgeous. by the wsy your kitty looks just like one of mine.

Cathy said...

Hi Rengin, the jacket is almost as lovely as you are! I am still heartbroken that we will not be able to meet this year in the Netherlands. But it is always fun to see your stitching - and pictures of YOU!! Hugs, Cathy

Rengin Yazitas said...

Cathy, thanks so much:))
I feel just like you about the Netherland's meeting. Hope we can manage another one at near future...